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National Animal

Huemul Deer

“I’ve never met an animal I didn’t like, and I can’t say the same thing about people.”

Doris Day

Animals commonly seen in the wild

Marine fauna:

Elephant seals, sea lions, blue whales, sperm whales, sea otters, dolphins, penguins.


Mockingbirds, penguins, sparrows, albatrosses, seabirds, hawks, flamingos, falcons, parakeets, pelicans, owls.

Land mammals:

llamas, vicunas, alpacas, deer, minks, armadillos, culpeos (foxes), opossums, pumas, lions.

Snakes and insects:

Snakes, geckos, lizards, spiders, wasps, grasshoppers.

Common sights you will not like

In the city and
on the road

Stray dogs are common. Abandonment and physical maltreatment are quite prevalent. Animal trafficking is also prevalent for dogs and monkeys.

In the

Rodeo is quite common in Chilean culture and is not protected by the Chilean Animal Protection Statute. Vicunas are used for transport of goods in higher altitudes where horses cannot survive.

Hunting or poaching:

The hunting of deer, stags, guanacos and birds is allowed in designated areas.

Animal fights:

Organized illegal dog fights.

Main organization for animal rescue and sheltering:

Aid to Animals International/

Sanctuaries to visit or volunteer:

CODEFF- Wild Fauna Rehabilitation Center. Created in 1992 thanks to an agreement with the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (CRFS) of CODEFF was born as a space to receive, shelter and rehabilitate wild animals confiscated by the Hunting Law.

We have not included the treatment of animals in the meat/fur/leather industries, zoos or circuses, animal testing as it unfortunately still happens in most countries.

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