Vegan Words

There is no clear word yet for vegan in bengali both নিরামিষ (Niramish) and শাকাহারী (Shakahari) mean vegetarian. So the best way to explain would be to start by saying that you are vegetarian and then add no dairy (dubka), eggs (dim) or honey (Modhu).

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English Bengali Pronunciation
Vegetarian নিরামিষ Niramish
Plant Based Food শাক-সবজি ভিত্তি খাবার Shakh shabji bhitti khabar
No Animal Products কোন পশু পণ্য Kon kushu pana
Meat মাংস Mangsho
Fish মাছ Mach
Eggs ডিম Dim
Milk দুধ Dud
Cheese পনির Oniv
Dairy দুগ্ধ Dubka
Honey মধু Modhu
Leather চামড়া Chamra
Feathers পালক Palok
Wool উল In
Silk সিল্ক Silk
Ghee ঘি Ghi

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