
Home > Germany


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National Animal

The Black Eagle

“Animals should be respected as citizen of this earth. They should have the right to their own freedom, their own family, their own life.”

John Feldmann

Animals commonly seen in the wild

Marine fauna:

Whales, sharks, seals, sea lions, sea turtles, dolphins, manatees, octopuses.


Buzzards, geese, herons, mallards/wild ducks, owls, pheasants, storks.

Land mammals:

Badgers, deer, moose, chamois, hamsters, foxes, dormouse, hares, hedgehogs, marmots, mouflons, raccoons.

Snakes and insects:

Spiders, vipers, grass snakes, dice snakes, lizards, tortoise.

Common sights you will not like

In the city and
on the road

Germany has strict pet ownership laws and animal control services, making seeing stray pet animals very rare.

In the

Hunting is very common in germany with more than 350,000 licenced hunters.

Hunting or poaching:

Hunting is legal in Germany and is considered a sport.Some animals commonly hunted are deer, wild boars, chamois, hares, foxes and birds such as partridge, pheasants, mallards, pigeons and wild geese.

Animal fights:

German law strictly prohibits orgenized animal fighting.

Main organization for animal rescue and sheltering:

Tierschutz Berlin Tierschutzbund

Sanctuaries to visit or volunteer:


We have not included the treatment of animals in the meat/fur/leather industries, zoos or circuses, animal testing as it unfortunately still happens in most countries.

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