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Commonly served vegan

Dishes that are traditionally served vegan

Vegetable stew made of onions, tomatoes and bell peppers and spices.


Grilled vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, onion covered with olive oil.

Grilovano povrce

Rice with tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onion, garlic and local spices. Make sure: broth is vegetable based.

Djuvec Rice

A common sauce made from red bell peppers, eggplant, garlic and chili.


Filo based potato pie. Make sure: No eggs or lard are used in the making.

Pita krompirusa

Sourdough noodles, tomato, carrots, peppers, celery, zucchini. Make sure: No sour cream is added as garnish.

Tarhana Soup

Dishes that can be Vegnized

Dishes that are not vegan by default, but can be made so, by asking to remove or change part of the ingredients.

A salad containing cucumbers, tomato, lettuce, onion and cheese. To Veganize: Ask for no cheese.

Sopska Salata

Stuffed peppers (or other vegetables) with rice and maybe meat. To Veganize: Make sure no meat is added to the stuffing.


Dishes that are not vegan, but appear to be

Dishes that might look vegan, but contain animal products.

Lepinje and other local breads can contain milk or eggs.


Pumpkin filled pasty, contains butter and eggs.


Bean soup with carrots, peppers, onions and meat.


Traveling Around the World, the Vegan Way

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