It is not always easy being vegan in a country like Argentina that is famous for the quality of its meat products and its “asados” (“barbecues” in Spanish), the most popular local social and gastronomic events. You will be invited to “asados” all the time, so prepare yourself to hear embarrassing comments or questions about your vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Luckily, most of the time, you will not be marginalized for it.
Nevertheless, veganism and clean eating are growing slowly in this country. Organic and cruelty-free products are in vogue. To learn more about your vegan food options in the country visit our Local Food tab.
New local markets and restaurants offering vegan food are being opened every month. Check out the local VeganoYa to find the best vegan restaurants around you.
As long as you stick to big cities, people will be able to understand your requests in basic English when you shop or go to restaurants or learn some useful Spanish Words to be better understood. “Vegano” might well be confused with “vegetariano” and you may be offered eggs and milk as options. If you are traveling in the countryside don’t forget to take food like nuts and grain cereals with you from one of the health food stores (called a Dietetica).
Contrary to popular belief, being vegan in Argentina is not
expensive; you just need to choose the right local products. It’s worth mentioning that some products that are easily found in the United States or Europe, such as peanut butter or vegan cheese, are very expensive and are sold mostly in specialized shops. Check our Snacks & Stores tab for more details.
A must try is the local Yerba Mate tea, the churros, peaches (in summer) and a huge variety of potatoes. Don’t forget to taste the wine!
Still have questions? Visit our Argentina Forum tab to get all the answers.
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